18Friends 28Fans
female Pekanbaru, Indonesia

10 months ago
ello plurk🥰
4 years ago
God really do hates me
4 years ago
Even cant understand w/ myself.
Cant understand how to feel
Cant understand to let the feeling go
I just cant understand
4 years ago
Plurk tempat curhat terbaruQ
5 years ago
Reading hard angsty fanfic isnt really good for your mental health. REALLY NOT GOOD DO NOT DO THE SAME AS ME.
nmahrusah says
7 years ago
comeback again to this kind of social media that i like "no one use it anymore"
nmahrusah says
10 years ago
sometimes accepting someone apology is harder than asking for apology.
nmahrusah says
10 years ago
i miss you all guys so much. no one in here who can make me be 100% me like when i'm with you all guys. i miss JHS memories SO MUCH!
nmahrusah says
12 years ago 6
Setelah minggu lalu diceramahin,terus udh buat mak elvi pusing sampe sazah make koyo akhirnya we're back together guys! yes we are! WE'RE 20+1:-)
nmahrusah says
12 years ago
Thanks God Everything is over :-)