23Friends 11Fans
female Bekasi, Indonesia
shape_tea bilang
15 years ago 1
feeling guilty mode:-oN..maaf ya magnifique fugitive daku ga bisa ikut..tak berdaya..hiiiksz..please forgive me :-((
shape_tea bilang
15 years ago 14
terima kasih buat semua teman2ku yg telah mengingat hari ini...i'm lucky to have all of u guys, thanks will never u all :-)
shape_tea sedang
15 years ago 2
mendengarkan theme song "The Panthom of the Opera"...pagi2 udah berat aja lagunya (LOL)
shape_tea rasa
15 years ago 6
kakinya masih cenut-cenut gara2 sukses jatuh meluncur 5 anak tangga pas sblm meeting tadi...hiiiiiksszzz :'-(
shape_tea says
15 years ago 3
mulai hari ini pindahan dr atas tempat tidur ke meja dan kursi yg nyaman klo mau lama2 dpn layar biar ga kram lg :-(
shape_tea needs
15 years ago 3
to find a way for not fall a sleep again in front of notebook every night, many hours are gone :-(
shape_tea thinks
15 years ago 6
an escape door maybe will help me in empower my unique "IOS" disease :-))
shape_tea feels
15 years ago 10
ga enak body is not so delicious today :'-( , rasanya meriang2 gmn gt + radang tenggorokan pula..whooooa!! :-&
shape_tea is
15 years ago 11
so sleepy right now after sleep for only 2 hours last night..hooooamm :-(
shape_tea says
15 years ago 23
ayo vote u/ jadi Ms . Plurk di ...Go go!! :-D