` xTFB-/.SSY .
53Friends 25Fans
female Singapore
S.Shangyuan / TFB-/.SSY

Siling Secondary :-)
` xTFB-/.SSY . wonders
15 years ago
Will he really be with me ? ]:
` xTFB-/.SSY . feels
15 years ago
That I'm really selfish , I never think before I react . I didnt care about he's feeling before ending the relationship . ):
` xTFB-/.SSY . says
15 years ago 9
Hello everyone ! (:
` xTFB-/.SSY . says
15 years ago
She off too cook her lunch (:
` xTFB-/.SSY . thinks
15 years ago
That everyone died :x
` xTFB-/.SSY . will
15 years ago 1
Be ton-inqq with Jayden qan Sexpartner Later (:
` xTFB-/.SSY . wonders
15 years ago
Anyone here ? :/
` xTFB-/.SSY . says
15 years ago
She's using plurk again (:
` xTFB-/.SSY . thinks
15 years ago
I'm really really been loved by him :x hohoho
` xTFB-/.SSY . wants
15 years ago 15
People to reply my plurk ohzxc :x