` xTFB-/.SSY .
53Friends 25Fans
female Singapore
S.Shangyuan / TFB-/.SSY

Siling Secondary :-)
` xTFB-/.SSY . wonders
14 years ago
Any of my friends are still using plurk ? :-o
` xTFB-/.SSY . feels
14 years ago
super weird now , and hate it D: .
` xTFB-/.SSY . says
14 years ago
Hey , I'm back people ! :-D
` xTFB-/.SSY . needs
15 years ago 4
A warm hug :|
` xTFB-/.SSY .
15 years ago
Somehow I'm missing those time )):
` xTFB-/.SSY . thinks
15 years ago 5
She's really born to act as mother in drama :x
` xTFB-/.SSY . says
15 years ago 5
She's back from prayer meeting :-D
` xTFB-/.SSY . feels
15 years ago
Like going out shopping when she don't have any cash ): Window shopping also can de mahs :x
` xTFB-/.SSY . wants
15 years ago
Dances practices ! :}
` xTFB-/.SSY . wonders
15 years ago
When will my mr right come for me ):