2Friends 1Fans
male Athens, GA, United States
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
Half-term fmr governor endores half-term Karen Handel. They are a perfect match.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
we cannot predict the future so we create the future.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
Republican politicians are more likely to serve wealthy people only. Unless you are wealth enough, you are not in their attentions.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
I could not fall asleep until 3am. And then I woke up at 6 am. Did I do too much aerobic exercise?
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
England lost to officials, not Germany. I am so sad. The officials' mistakes changed the way the game would go.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
went to gym in the early evening...running 1.5 miles and lift some weight.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
thunderstorm in Athens since 8 pm.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
first time user. Still figuring out how it works. Looks like a good stuff.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
NBER(National Bureau of Economic Research) is located in 1050 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138. They provide some data analysis jobs.
shaneuga222 is
14 years ago
Found a book titled "Crisis economics" by Nouriel Roubini.