52Friends 7Fans
male Seattle, WA, United States
Kinda weird guy who likes weird stuff.
3 years ago
I got a package in. Dunno what it is, but if it's from Newegg...
3 years ago 3
Welp, it's 6:50am, I'm immediately post-booster, and my body is so tender I can feel my joints. How is your morning
3 years ago 5
Got some pretty crap news today.
3 years ago 3
Had to do some impromptu repairs to my mask today.
3 years ago
So, I didn't see the start of campaign 3 for Critcal Role, but I did see this hell off an introduction to Sams new character.

yasha⚡️lovebot on Twitter
3 years ago
So, over my lunch break I did some reading into Lean Manufacturing aaaaand now I'm aggravated .

Lean manufacturing - Wikipedia
3 years ago 11
I made a Stupid Sexy Captain for a Star Trek TOS game, courtesy of MrDowning. To paraphrase Jessica Rabbit, they're not Bad, they're just rolled that way.
3 years ago 12 @Edit 3 years ago
Today is both Burfday and National Coming Out Day. I'm Chris, a newly 35 year old demisexual cis guy. Hoi hoi all.
3 years ago 1
That Feel when you get a shiny new phone... and the new sim card didn't show up with it
3 years ago 4
Hiyo peeps of Plurk! I come to share that my PC is kerborken and I hope it's a simple (at least, for a mini-itx build) fix involving replacing the mobo.