25Friends 69Fans
female Newton, IA, United States
I like latin, Buddha, eating tofo, cuddling with my cat Ringo, writing, and running a company.
Forever The Sickest Kids - Shes a Lady
40StpsToThMn hopes
14 years ago
to one day work with a duo as great as this. Timbaland - If We Ever Meet Again ft. Katy Perry
14 years ago
there are very few people who will write songs about how much the people in their hometowns suck. I am one of those people.
14 years ago
Jessica thinks Brandon is a pussy.
14 years ago 7
DAY 3: My ringtone - Williamsburg by Armor for Sleep. Crap i love this song. Hipsters beware of BJ's emo hair Armor For Sleep - Williamsburg
14 years ago
DAY 2.5: This is also quite epic. super michael jackson bros
40StpsToThMn is
14 years ago
going to post epic music every day. DAY 2: William Beckett and Alex Deleon covering Santeria. Epic. Santeria cover by William Beckett of the academy is...and alex deleon and ian crawford of the cab
14 years ago 1
South Park - Poker Face Full Song this is epic.
40StpsToThMn loves
15 years ago
free t-shirts
40StpsToThMn thinks
15 years ago
it's going to be a lot quieter in Calvin's class.... in the entire school.
15 years ago
I think I should drop Newspaper. All I cause is trouble anymore...