a. ★
105Friends 19Fans
United States
₊ ˚ ✩ 。 ˚ THE SEAWATER SYS ⠀ ۫ ּ ◟⠀ *ੈ ✩
bodily 23. taken & in love ♡ audhd & bpd. afab. bi.
host: achilles! wing/red pronouns. genderfluid. ♊️
fictive/non-human heavy sys. osdd-1b. multifictive.
a. ★
5 hours ago
it’s not fucking fair how much i love you it’s not fair that i have all these feelings it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not fair
a. ★
5 hours ago
it’s not fucking fair want are you so fucking far away fuck
a. ★
5 hours ago
i shouldn’t be missing him i just started crying i want him to tell me im not bad for being angry i want him to hold me i miss him why am i fucking crying right now i miss you so bad.
a. ★
5 hours ago
i hate everyone having a good day
a. ★
5 hours ago
i don’t think “we” are even really a thing i think im just fucking insane 👍
a. ★
5 hours ago
it doesn’t matter we’re going to be abandoned soon anyway
a. ★
5 hours ago
i hate all of you so much by the way i don’t care if you think you hate yourself more because i hate you 10x more especially if you’ve had a good night’s rest tonight if you woke up feeling refreshed i hate you
a. ★
5 hours ago
our partner sys doesn’t even use the account they made and no one else on here talks to us so i’m probably gonna use plurk just to bitch and moan about shit no one cares about aka my problems ✌️ having said that i haven’t been able to fall asleep tonight and it’s 7 in the morning but i can’t sleep and im going to hate all of you because of it
a. ★
9 hours ago
is it bad that i get jealous of people who are out to thejr family about their gender like they know im bi but not genderfluid and it would just be a hassle to explain “hey, sometimes i’m a boy, sometimes im a girl, sometimes im jack shit or both!”
a. ★
📋 Our head is feeling much better than earlier, that pain pill really helped, although I’ve noticed that It takes a while to kick in. ^^