Miss C
1Friends 1Fans
female Singapore
Miss C is
15 years ago
happy with the sunny morning. :-D
Miss C hates
15 years ago
to have work eat into her personal time. X-(
Miss C hates
15 years ago
the situations.
Miss C is
15 years ago
reading up a lot. :-)
Miss C feels
15 years ago
achy. Argh!
Miss C loves
15 years ago
the dresses and top from L'zzie. Thanks Lub Lub!
Miss C is
15 years ago
jaded and depressed.
Miss C hopes
15 years ago
to recover.
Miss C is
15 years ago
struggling but no matter how sucky it all gets, life has to go on. This is it. This is life. Sighs.
Miss C has
15 years ago
reverted to being a bottle.