scrim Pinion
67Friends 9Fans
male Second life
scrim Pinion
9 years ago 1
Oh, hey guys. I'm alive and such. Just busy and/or lazy.
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
Comcast has some stupid amnesty program going on. Willing to forgive an old $150 balance for a $20 one month sign up. Deal. Keep the box.
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
I'm not exactly sure what's going on upstairs in the office, but it apparently involves off key renditions of love shack at high volume
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
Last 2 weeks have been a long string of illnesses and emergency home repairs
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
2.5 hours of sleep last night. Insanely busy day full of meetings today. Trying not to collapse.
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
Crap, I have to go back to work tomorrow.
scrim Pinion
9 years ago 2
Sorry, random drunk guy; the fact that you're too fucked up to know where you are right now means you can't come in to my house
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
Last working day of the week. Busy busy
scrim Pinion
9 years ago
Decided to avoid the grocery store until after the holiday