might rename Francis to Thomas. Tom.
may need to change Francis' name, Francis doesn't act like that'd be his name
theres actually three levels to Luck Of The Draw. the first 3 games, then Fate, then IMU
also when i say b/b is going to be a long game i mean i can't find a way to format the story without the full playthrough being hours long
i think?i'd want the games to all be formatted differently, but not too differently. Madness would work well in a format kind of like the one in the game Rot In Paradise. While B/B & BT would work better in a format like 8:11's or Hylics'. And then I don't know about the other two, IMU would definitely be a mix of a lot of things though
this is proving to be difficult, i forgot that i have literally nothing planned out for Madness except the actual plot and general character themes
Also Beloathed/Beloved is definitely going to be the biggest game just story-wise. Madness being the shortest, which is why I'm working on Madness first
Infinity Means Us is going to be more of a collection of the other games though, where people can look at side stories of the characters, and some stories I'm not making into full games. Like there'll be a new story but it's not the full focus like the others.
Luck Of The Draw is actually going to be a game series. featuring Magic Madness, Beloathed/Beloved, Bullet Trainer, Fate, and Infinity Means Us
I mean I'm working on Luck Of The Draw right now, but just part one. Sorta as a test run i guess.