160Friends 59Fans
female Lincolnville, KS, United States
K-12 teacher librarian living in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. Farm woman, wife, mother, grandmother, and avid reader. Welcomes new learning opportunites through social networking.
scarlson says
15 years ago 2
Survived the drive home from school. 3.5 miles of supposedly rock roads are a disaster! X-(
scarlson hopes
15 years ago 4
the rain holds off. DH still has fall harvesting--corn and soybeans left. Yields are great, but need to finish.
scarlson says
15 years ago 2
Just got back from Grand Central Hotel in Cottonwood Falls. Dinner out with hunter friends from Houston. Great steaks! :-)
scarlson is
15 years ago 3
Back plurking after marathon farming weekend--cutting soybeans, milo, corn, and planting wheat. I was gofer and cook for the crew. (gym)
scarlson shares
15 years ago 1
A Thanksgiving resource: Harvest Ceremony: Beyond the Thanksgiving myth
scarlson is
15 years ago 9
cooking pathetic-sized bullheads for supper, but exchange students was thrilled to catch them yesterday. :-))
scarlson says
15 years ago 1
Took a day off plurk yesterday. Church, then met my sister in Manhattan for a day for some catching up. Good day, well-spent. :-)
scarlson says
15 years ago 4
Missed going to see trick or treaters at my son's house. Made a flying trip to Abilene and Salina to get truck parts for DH.
scarlson says
15 years ago 4
DH washed the van yesterday. It IS light blue. With our muddy roads you couldn't tell. Hope we are dry for awhile. :-))
scarlson says
15 years ago 5
Hello plurkers! Late night last night. Visited DS #1 and family. GD went trick or treating in church parking lot.