scarlson is
15 years ago
cooking pathetic-sized bullheads for supper, but exchange students was thrilled to catch them yesterday. :-))
latest #9
scarlson says
15 years ago
Oops, 1 student.
congerjan says
15 years ago
I have seen some pretty small bullhead... how small are you talking?
LadybugLou says
15 years ago
never heard of bullheads before. Where did they catch them?
Lona says
15 years ago
bullheads are a type of catfish, I believe. I grew up fishing for and eating them in March and April in northern NY. Later in the yr. they
Lona says
15 years ago
tasted "muddy" up there.
scarlson says
15 years ago
Took a break for awhile. Bullheads are similar to catfish. Smaller and greenish in color. We have them in our ponds and creeks.
scarlson says
15 years ago
congerjan: They were only about 4 inches after being dressed.
plurkinpurple says
15 years ago
That is nice of you.
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