160Friends 59Fans
female Lincolnville, KS, United States
K-12 teacher librarian living in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. Farm woman, wife, mother, grandmother, and avid reader. Welcomes new learning opportunites through social networking.
scarlson says
15 years ago 5
Feels like Saturday. No school today. (dance)
scarlson says
15 years ago 5
Busy day. Aide has H1N1 and is out until Tues. Doing my best to keep up, but things are piling up.
scarlson hates
15 years ago 2
that rainy weather is delaying harvesting again. Will we ever get the crops out of the field?
scarlson says
15 years ago 4
Need help from my librarian friends. Can you subscribe to online only magazines without subscribing to print versions?
scarlson says
15 years ago 4
PT conferences this evening and tomorrow evening. Probably won't see a single person, but I am getting some work done.
scarlson says
15 years ago 11
No time for plurking lately. Getting exchange student settled in. Hope you all had a great weekend. (wave)
scarlson says
15 years ago 9
In the midst of major housecleaning. But needed a break. Hello plurkers. (wave)
scarlson says
15 years ago 4
Just finished switching the big furniture in the 2 bedrooms. Now for some sleep. (wave)
scarlson says
15 years ago 11
No time for plurking lately. Getting ready for exchange student. An adolescent in the house again. :-))
scarlson says
15 years ago 3
Back from helping DH move combine to another field. Praying for sun and warm weather to get fall harvest in.