Why do so many people argue against neurodivergent folks acting neurodivergent in public? Why are so many people like "Don't stim in public you're making the neurotypicals uncomfortable". I don't give a shit about how comfortable the neurotypicals are.
My dad's fucking car was stolen
Im going to die (An assignment I need to do has not been assigned yet and I'm starting to panic)
I'm overwhelmed. My head hurts.
I get back to school and the first thing I do is sit in a corner and and entire bag of pretzels like a loser
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
I hate when people expect me to be excited for the first day back to school. Like what is there for me to celebrate, my back to school anxiety? Oh hooray! I just love feeling sick to my stomach.
My cat is so sleepy. He's just sitting on my bed, existing and I feel like crying cuz he's too cute.
People have lost their minds