77Friends 4Fans
male Salt Lake City, UT, United States
here for the sixty one.
I drink your milk shake! I drink it up!
Remember, Just because I'm in Utah, doesn't mean I'm not an alcoholic.....
sartan says
15 years ago 28
can we get the people that helped 'beta' test the new t61 site banned from the internet - they obviously don't know what 'user friendly' is
sartan says
15 years ago 9
I'm sure it's in some faq somewhere but, anyone know if there is way to tell if someone is online on t61(bounty hunter quest)
sartan says
16 years ago 9
I've been out snowboarding and just noticed how S&J are now forcing the "tagging" of songs after favoriting
sartan says
16 years ago 16
he's off to bed...go back and check out the Adam Gilbert PB's! There will be a quiz on them tomorrow. (bye)
sartan says
16 years ago 24
I can't tell football from cricket from curling, but my University just kicked ass at the Sugar bowl. 13-0! Go Utah Utes!
sartan says
16 years ago 3
ha, I just realized that you can clear your t61 cookies and radio bump again immediately. Shhhh it's a secret...
sartan shares
16 years ago 3
songza - for trying to find that song you just gotta hear(and it's not on t61)
sartan wonders
16 years ago 17
if there is a way to copy someone else's clique? It's a pain to add everyone...or did I miss that faq too?
sartan loves
16 years ago 25
how you see "they'll be restored when we release a better system." when you go look at you favorited songs
sartan needs
16 years ago 15
a pointer to updating his 3 profiles songs. I know it's been shown before but I can't find it in the plurk search.