ordered our thanksgiving dinner, now I just need to decide what pies to get.
620 words tonight. It is SO hot in this room. I'd love to go to bed, but I really should write.
57 word sentence. My high school English teacher would have a heart attack if she read this. LOL
I'm gonna try to write at least 2000 words before going to bed. We'll see if I make it or not. I'd really like to get a bit more caught up
I would really love to be able to shave my legs. This is one time I'd like a bathtub....but not to bathe, to sit on the edge of it.
being held hostage on the couch by a HUGE ass spider
I really would like it if Karma would come back to some sooner rather than later. reallllllly would.
so we had mediation today to try to modify the parenting plan with the ex. Baby did not move at ALL, get home, little bugger is very active
okay I've written 4,685 words this evening. My shoulders are killing me from sitting like this. I'm going to bed.