Sandra Liu
3Friends 11Fans
female Taiwan
Easy but complicated
Rational but sentimental
Enjoy simple life but discover fun in life
Recording,sharing, and's the way of fulfill oneself, no? :-)
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
gosh, i really dun know how to use PLURK!!!! 我老了....
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
OMG~今天被笑翻了!!(都是因為送行者這部電影啦!) 上班頂著哭腫的眼睛....知道原因的同事都笑翻了>.<
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
看完禮儀師,我看我明天不用上班去了 :'-(眼睛好腫啊~~~~
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
so happy,一回家就有蘭花亭涼麵吃:-D
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
守護者一定要看過漫畫才看的懂嗎? 我在電影中睡著了兩次............真丟臉@_@
Sandra Liu
15 years ago
:-)we need time to breath
Sandra Liu 正在
15 years ago
well,1st time, don't get any clue yet...someday i will...seems Plurk is fun :-D I better find it out!