54Friends 21Fans
male Valenzuela City, Philippines
Would you even care?
Eman is
12 years ago
waiting for my training (goodluck)
12 years ago
I want to go but I don't want to leave...
12 years ago
writing my best ever resignation letter yet :-))
12 years ago
oh no, this is not happening. My dream company has just hired me but I'm happy with my current job that has even better opportunities. What am I gonna do?!! (woot)
12 years ago
had a good laugh from Sisterakas (LOL)
Eman asks
12 years ago
ilan na nga ba mga inaanak ko? Pasensya na hindi ko na kayo maalala lahat? :'-(
Eman shares
12 years ago
A recent survey shows that 52% of women regularly fake orgasms. Why girls....why???
12 years ago
it's time to be a big boy now... and big boys don't cry :-o
12 years ago
I dream because there is no other way I could see it happen (sick)
12 years ago
Walang pasok bukas...
...sa vaenzuela lang. Eh sa Pasay trabaho ko huhuhu. Happy Valenzuela Day na lang :'-(