` ♥Mandy-iix
55Friends 25Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I'm in love with all sorts of stuff.
→ Beading Box!
→ Persona 3 // 4
→ Suikoden I - V
→ Final Fantasy VII - XII
→ My Friends ♥.com
BloG : s0nate-ilu.blogspot.com
PM me : [email protected]
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
I'm gonna kick some ass.
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
when someone says bitch, I have this urge to slap someone. It's just me.
` ♥Mandy-iix loves
14 years ago
her dad a lot! Thank you, daddy!
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
germany rocks the house~
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
plurk can be quite a drag.
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
this is so not fun.
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
I better bathe, it's 10pm and I'm still in my tee. -shrugs-
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
Candice suggested sticking a foot out or just don't bathe for the day. >>;
` ♥Mandy-iix says
14 years ago
how can she bathe without wetting her right knee?
` ♥Mandy-iix thinks
14 years ago
she has to get her hand back to doing icons. I feel rusty. ;x