5Friends 5Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
A versatile man always with good lucks and people supporting alongside my life.
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Returned from Trastevere, great Italian food and wine
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Needham's Puzzle
ryan24264 正在
14 years ago
final evening for the week in Germany. Will head back home after tomorrow's morning meeting.
14 years ago
Flying experience in Hassfurt, friend to convince me to join the club
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Waiting for dinner and sitting outside enjoying the European sun.
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Another walk around Bamberg. Differnt feeling from last time. Really a beautiful town.
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Meeting will start soon.3 days in Bamberg.
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Beautiful Bamberg and I was awed with the Catheral church. The beat part is that I visited Hegel's house.
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
On my way to the airport. Gonna be a long flight to Europe.
ryan24264 says
14 years ago
Finished my monthly conference call. Looking at another good month, but difficulties lie ahead.