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male Lakewood, OH, United States
We've been delivering quality chiropractic care to the Lakewood community since 2002. Our approach is simple. We believe that health is among our most valuable possessions.
russellchiro says
14 years ago
21 Day Makeover + get healthy NOW Seminar = Happy 2011
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Stressed from holiday prep? Treat yourself to a Girls Day Out on Sat 12/11 or Wed 12/29 here:
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Sign up for the Rejuvenation Retreat intro, bring 2 friends & you’ll both receive a free mini massage and chiropractic session.
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Sign up for the Rejuvenation Retreat introduction, bring a friend & you’ll both receive a free mini massage and protein shake.
russellchiro says
14 years ago
No such thing as a slipped disc! Because of the way it attaches to the vertebrae above & below, a disc can't slip. Bulge, herniate
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Your mind controls your body & your body controls your mind. Healing is affected by our thoughts. That's why now is a good time to
russellchiro says
14 years ago
health (helth) n. 1. A state of optimum physical, mental & social well-being & not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Do you have a family tradition for Thanksgiving that happens without fail, no matter who is in attendance? Please share! thingswedo
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Germs don't cause disease any more than flies cause garbage cans. Germs are a threat only when you create a hospitable environment
russellchiro says
14 years ago
Patch or Fix? Discontinuing care when you feel better invites a relapse. Results can be temporary unless muscles and soft tissues