Kim Yeon HeeLF
45Friends 18Fans
female Serpong, Indonesia
Nanun Ireumeun Rulee Imnida
HanSaramaneul Kpop World esp Superjunior
(Eunhae Couple)
sowunhi inhayo
EverLasting Friend
Kim Yeon HeeLF wishes
15 years ago
watching Live 2nd supershow a malaysia *meet them esp Eunhae*(tears)
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 1
pgn makan chocolate!!! (mmm)
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 10
anyeong :-), kpop lovers??
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 2
waduh, issue SUJU makin macem2 aja.., suju transit jakarta*wow* adakah ELF yg liad mereka?? *klo itu bnr* :-o
Kim Yeon HeeLF loves
15 years ago 8
superjunior,.. tmn2 gw pada heran knp gw addicted sama suju??
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 2
my special today!!! meet someone same with my idol *lee hyuk jae* (cozy)
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 2
superjunior come to indonesian, waw !!! ticketnya kira2 brp th?? *mengharap ktmu SJ* (woot)
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 2
akhirnya ketemu juga *senangnya* :-D
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago
try again..............!!!!! (angry)
Kim Yeon HeeLF says
15 years ago 10
aissh Babo !!!! gw lupa password twitter (tears)