12Friends 2Fans
female Spokane, WA, United States
I play, Ban, James, Grace, Alec, Stan, Colton, Edith, Brandon and Vincent.
rubyfeathers says
10 years ago
note to self: some stories I'm just not ready to share openly with a group. whoops.
10 years ago
10 years ago
my phone autocorrects woke up to error up. yep. pretty much
rubyfeathers says
10 years ago
Wife needs a root canal. Why are teeth so expensive?
10 years ago 1
fun mornings. . it iced and snowed last night. no idea where my ice scraper is
rubyfeathers says
10 years ago
"I like you begging. Do it again."
rubyfeathers shares
10 years ago
so first I found Silas in Spokane. now Clint and Bucky have an archery supply place here. marvel is in Spokane.
rubyfeathers says
10 years ago 4
FUCK MY KIDS MAN. Fuck them. Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team.
rubyfeathers says
10 years ago 2
Why do I watch election results? Seriously. On the positive side...pot is now legal in Oregon. But same sex marriage isn't. I can carry my stash over...but not my wife. headdesk
rubyfeathers says
10 years ago
reminder for my american friends. don't forget to vote today.