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male Orlando, FL, United States
I'm a blogger, photographer, writer, coffee freak, Master Mason, bio-metrics consultant and info tech person. I also enjoy long walks on the beach....

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RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Funniest thing: I always find it the hardest to name a machine during the installation process. I like to give them unique names when I can.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Whoa. Ubuntu 12.04's installer is, dare I say it, incredible. This really is the best installed I've used in Linux. Bravo guys, bravo.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Hm, time to play "lunchtime roulette". It's sorta like Russian roulette, except with a lot less death from lead poisoning. #oknotreallyalike
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Thought Prometheus was a good movie, but you know who would have made it better: Bruce Campbell. #listenupyouadvancedscrewheads
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Looks like with this ruling conservatives and progressives will drift further apart into their own respective insanities. #nomiddleground
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago 1
Well, I'm sure glad I got my taxes increased today. I now get to pay the "Because I'm alive" tax. W00H00! At least they said it was a tax.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago 1
Weird it looks like we slipped into fall here in Florida.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago 1
Still can't believe I actually got out of bed at 3am.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago 1
The Total Recall remake might not be a disaster after all. Looks to be shaping up to be a an interesting romp:
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Swear, try to make a joke and then you get overly sensitive people get on your case. #getsomethickskin