123Friends 296Fans
male Orlando, FL, United States
I'm a blogger, photographer, writer, coffee freak, Master Mason, bio-metrics consultant and info tech person. I also enjoy long walks on the beach....

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RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
turnkeylinux Question for you guys: When I converted the .vmx to work on ESXi it had 256MB and 1 processor as default. What is reccomended?
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Hmm, the Turnkeylinux Wordpress appliance seems to be dragging it's feet. Looks like I need to increase RAM and add processor cores.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
The Mac Mini has Lion Server installed. Order Number: MB463LL/A. Specs can be found here:
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Selling an old Mac Mini of mine. Model A1283, with 2GB of RAM and 120GB HD for about $350/OBO w/original box and items. Reply if interested.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago 1
Kinda irritated at the moment at a couple of personal things. Hate it when things don't go as planned, but meh. Such is life.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Well at least the API isn't.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Seesmic Ping is live. Goodbye Is it dead now?
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago 2
Ahh, Monday. Saw you went on a bender with Sunday and drunk posted everything on Facebook. Where you got the traffic cones, I'll never know.
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Now I need to spin up my Windows VM to run vSphere (damn webclient can't run the console on Macs. Booooo) to get into the VM #Iisadumbass
RenegadeScribe says
12 years ago
Ugh. Forgot to tell Teamviewer to restart on reboot, so when I had vCenter restart the #Ubuntu VM it came up w/o the ability to remote in.