0Friends 7Fans
female London, Great Britain (UK)
rosevibe asks
12 years ago
can you search plurk for a hashtag like you can with twitter..?
rosevibe asks
16 years ago
why has plurk gone quiet - is it because everyone is back over on twitter now..?
rosevibe has
16 years ago
been up since the crack of dawn, washing should be dry now.. methinks a shower is in order.
rosevibe thinks
16 years ago
she'd better get that marquee text sorted on Lynnes website today or she'll kick up a fuss. *sigh* at least she doesn't want music..
rosevibe wishes
16 years ago 1
There was a mute all button after reading responses..
16 years ago
spends far too much time reading plurks and not enough time writing any.. methinks twitter is better
16 years ago
I can't believe the govt has stopped folks married in registry offices from having their pics taken as they sign the wedding register!
16 years ago
Starting off this blustery Sunday morning with eBay and the happy tunes - may have to fetch another twix up in a minute.. So healthy.. :-)
16 years ago
Well chuffed, got a flat to move into and mediacamp london to look forward to - life is GOOD!
rosevibe thinks
16 years ago
it's time for breakfast, having spent the last 3 hours playing on photoshop for a mates website I need sustenance.