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male Davao City, Philippines
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~nick~santos~ wonders
14 years ago
when the next so-called "Moon Landing" will happen.. I think the most recent one has been 4 decades past already..
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
the best!! mamaligya na ta ninyu og CMS!! :-D
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
B > PS1 Memory Card/s = PM me.. :-D
14 years ago
Did Jose Rizal just failed to specify which among the youth is the hope of our future? How come it has been more than 100 years already? :-D
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
1.5 na diay ang jQuery??
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
kung naay Lady Gaga.. naa pd Lady Gago... =))
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
nice! wala koy nabuhat na task karon... T_T
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
dah.. halos 3 ka oras.. solved lagi ka!! haha!! :-P
~nick~santos~ says
14 years ago
about 5-10 years from now, YouTube would have already shut down scores of TV stations.. no doubt about it.. =))