Despil です
215Friends 297Fans
male London, Great Britain (UK)
Can't tell much. You will see.

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NOTE2: If you don't write in Hungarian, English, or Spanish, I will not friend or follow you. Would be pointless. | it is all personal…
Welcome - Stream Consulting
Despil です
4 years ago
So after management responded to feedback in a certain way, now apparently there is a small exodus of people with experience. FML. I am sitting on my arse, because Brexit, but I have to get an exit strategy in place asap.
Despil です
4 years ago
Imagine having so much money that you place a $100,000 value order and when it's not delivered you don't even call customer service.
Despil です
4 years ago
I have the that feeling management has regretted opening a public, company wide feedback channel.
Whenever I see a new post, I pull up a chair and grab some popcorn.
Despil です
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
It's always fun watching a company open public channels for feedback and whenever there is some serious (and well deserved) criticism the management responds with "We don't want the negativity, if you don't like it you can leave"

Surest way to keep good people around. Especially when the company already struggles with people leaving in droves.
Despil です
4 years ago
Despil です
4 years ago
Well, that was a fun flight..
Despil です
4 years ago 1
Despil です
4 years ago
my mom got me a great nail cutting thingy (manicure scissor thing, see below) and I can't use it 'cause I'm left handed and this shit is ergonomic 🤣🤣🤣
Despil です
4 years ago 1
What could go wrong?
Aloy joined the chat
The military made a robot that can eat organisms for...
Despil です
4 years ago
And now I want to try to code something in Cow.