Despil です
215Friends 297Fans
male London, Great Britain (UK)
Can't tell much. You will see.

NOTE: I don't autofollow.
NOTE2: If you don't write in Hungarian, English, or Spanish, I will not friend or follow you. Would be pointless. | it is all personal…
Welcome - Stream Consulting
Despil です
3 years ago 3
Vaccinated. No 5G yet and can't fly, no laser eyes, so it's kind of a disappointment so far.
Despil です
4 years ago 2
When on the discord server you get a new display name picked by the server and they name you "The Godfather" 😁
Despil です
4 years ago
Despil です
4 years ago
I'm dying, on company chat the UK government was called a "bunch of psychopaths" with the caveat "most of them" added.
It's sometimes awkward to have Grant Shapps' brother as a co-worker (pretty great guy, not sure how Grant Shapps ended up this way).
Despil です
4 years ago
Well this conversation took an interesting turn.
Despil です
4 years ago
Gah, I got an email that I have to be part of the hiring procedure and now I have anxiety....
Despil です
4 years ago
The fact that redditers sent one or more hedge funds into bankruptcy is fucking hilarious.
A couple billion dollars down the drains.
And now the investors are crying, apparently the "risk justifies my earnings" is just something to say, not the reality. 🤷
Despil です
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
NSFW. Children, don't listen to this naughty song!
FASCINATING AIDA - Dogging - YouTube
Despil です
4 years ago 6
Everybody on TikTok writes "seggs" in place of sex.
And I just can't 😂😂😂
Despil です
4 years ago 1
Nigela is subtle af. 🤣🤣🤣