14Friends 8Fans
male Albany, NY, United States
16 years ago 1
acedtect, that was an interesting exchange of posts on the BOL dboard...
16 years ago
acedtect, but w/out iPod, no one would even know who Feist was, lol. I guess that's the price u pay when you sell your soul 2 the devil lol
robstak is
16 years ago
everyone needs to make up their minds, lol.
robstak is
16 years ago
guh do i really have to use plurk?
robstak is
16 years ago 2
omg my karma is back to zero? whered it all go!? lol.
16 years ago
Trying I hope this doesn't create an endless microblogging loop!!!
robstak is
16 years ago 1
looks like plurk is going the way of pownce et al. not really surprising, tho, I guess :-(
robstak is
16 years ago
dawgfan, you can freebase prepH?? lol.
robstak is
16 years ago
playing COD4