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male Wakefield, Great Britain (UK)
I'm a Web Designer and Marketing & Internet Professional, based in Wakefield, near Leeds in West Yorkshire, England. Check out my site For Web Design - visit
robbell says
12 years ago
Ooooooooh Elder Scrolls Online at E3, gasp! Best start preparing and storing food and resources... I hated almost starving playing Skyrim :-D
robbell says
12 years ago
Ed Miliband admits he DOES look like Plasticine film star Wallace | Mail Online
robbell says
12 years ago
Watching #XBox #E3 presentation, liking very much what Microsoft are up to with my game console. Might get a Win 8 tablet one day...hmm
robbell says
12 years ago
Bit fed up with not full performance on my PC while I wait for motherboard repairing... It's like driving a Ferrari with wooden wh
robbell says
12 years ago
I am sure I haven't read enough about this year's #E3 - only seen Assassins Creed 3 (Sweeeet!) and Microsoft presentation. Must try harder.
robbell says
12 years ago
Today I watched The Queen's Jubilee, Big Brother, and the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun... It's been an odd day
robbell says
12 years ago
I'm watching here, NASA Hawaii - Watch Live: Last Transit of Venus of Your Lifetime
robbell says
12 years ago
Anyone think Harley Davidson doesn't really get hashtags? #StereotypicalHarley is 20 characters long... 1/7th of total tweet space=too long
robbell says
12 years ago
Anyone think Harley Davidson doesn't really get hashtags? #StereotypicalHarley is 19 characters long...
robbell says
12 years ago
Woohoo - it's this weekend that unclecreepymma is going to beat Mighty Mouse into a pulp, using only his fine moustache! #UFC