41Friends 19Fans
female San Francisco, CA, United States
Lux has
16 years ago 4
decided to spend much less time on Plurk in 09. Adobe community peeps: use email / twitter / other to reach me, please.
Lux has
16 years ago
signed up for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in SF in July 09. If you'd like to donate, And Happy New Year!
Lux says
16 years ago 2
Kavka, this LOL is for you:
Lux has
16 years ago
a new meme:
Lux is
16 years ago 8
giving up on trying to get her car smogged and is getting a haircut instead.
Lux is
16 years ago 2
jingling no more
Lux is
16 years ago 2
drinking coffee and looking forward to lasagna and latkes later on today
Lux says
16 years ago 2
countdown to end-of-year shutdown... T minus 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 (drinking)
Lux says
16 years ago
shortest day of the year, first candle of Hanukkah. The journey back towards the light begins again. :-)
Lux is
16 years ago 3
back. Costco was not as bad as I feared it would be.