2Friends 1Fans
male Fujinomiya, Japan
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
Since when was my name on the attendance, am i really that important?^_~,,kElAn pAsokAn?vEnue sAn??wAhahaha.....wAg nA oi!!^^,
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
It is better to suffer wrong than to do it, and happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust...gud^Eve 2 ol trUSted EArthLings..
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
I can’t read lips unless they’re touching mine...mEoww^_~,,
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
i dOn`t niD much of thAt....OnlY ur AffEction is Enough 2 c mE through nd mAke mE fEEl dAt I`am nOt AlonE...
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
fighting 2 ds girl on d`battle field of Love is wOrthLess,,spEciAlly if shE dOn`t Expecting u 2 bE dEr;(..kakalUngkot lng...
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
“Nothing hurts more than realizing he/she meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him......”;(
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
fun of __"i fEll 4 ur pErsOnAlity,ur loOks Are jUst A bOnus;-)""c",)
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
god,,luv`s me,,u,,thEm,,us...hApPy Easter dAy!!^^,pA scrUmblE Egg Nmn jAn "chAddY"..
rjcrazy4yah says
14 years ago
if i cUd fLy Away^^,Uhmmm...and i wilL cmebAck 2 nOWaAah!!,,i turn AroUnd just 2 c 4 d`lAstYm^_^..
rjcrazy4yah thinks
14 years ago
mAybe b`coz some1 wAnt`s u 2 beLiEve,,dAt dEr Is AbOve^^,,Nyt2..mA-la2te nq s dReam q..(-,-)Zzzz...