11Friends 0Fans
female Indonesia
rijaaa thinks
13 years ago
knowing a lot of people is not the same thing as having a lot of friends hmm(gpokerface)
rijaaa wonders
13 years ago
It’s amazing to know that we share our birthday with at least nine million people around the globe hahaahhaha (Русский)
rijaaa says
13 years ago
I have homeworks the most on the days I just want to crawl into my warm soft bed and go to sleep
rijaaa thinks
13 years ago
MOM = Best friend + Best listener + Best fan. DAD = Best hero + Best Teacher + Best supporter! (fireworks)
rijaaa says
13 years ago
some ppl come in to my life, leave footprints on my heart. Others come in to my life, make me wanna leave footprints on their face!!!
rijaaa says
13 years ago
my parents bed is always 10x comfier than mine (gwhatever)
rijaaa thinks
13 years ago
it's funny to hear someone lie when you know the truth
rijaaa says
13 years ago
it's frustrating when I know exactly what something means but not how to explain it
rijaaa wonders
13 years ago
If Mondays were days off, we would all hate Tuesdays!
rijaaa thinks
13 years ago
its a good feeling to get home and realize i dont have any homework