36Friends 23Fans
female Lisle, IL, United States
Don't know who I am. If you find out tell me.
Few things I remember 2 sons (teenagers), 1 husband.
rie_3 says
16 years ago 5
mellow morning... Norah Jones - Sunrise
rie_3 hopes
16 years ago 2
for good dreams... night (:
rie_3 shares
16 years ago 2
for fun... Austin Powers Music Kaleidoscope
rie_3 has
16 years ago 10
a happy son. Finally replaced his xbox after the red ring of death hit. (s_dance)
rie_3 thinks
16 years ago 4
sadly, it's noon have to deplurk and get some things done. (s_annoyed) It was peaceful while it lasted :-D
rie_3 says
16 years ago 22
patio plurking but the baby gold finches are so noisy. Thought my kids were bad :-D.
rie_3 says
16 years ago 4
off to get some pumpkin muffins and tea.
rie_3 thinks
16 years ago 1
lovely day Lovely Day Bill Withers (s_dance)
rie_3 says
16 years ago 3
found a new dragon fly pic :-)
rie_3 says
16 years ago 5
good day and good night. :-o Son swiped the laptop today.