rie_3 says
16 years ago
patio plurking but the baby gold finches are so noisy. Thought my kids were bad :-D.
latest #22
rie_3 says
16 years ago
they just keep begging for food and the parents are trying to get them to get it themselves. No luck.
rie_3 says
16 years ago
kind of like here (woot)
rie_3 says
16 years ago
... but what a racket :-D. The purple cone flowers have gone to seed and they love them.
rie_3 says
16 years ago
they are right on the patio edge. *chirp chirp* loads!
rie_3 says
16 years ago
not by this time of year.
rie_3 says
16 years ago
it seemed a little late for these. Why do you need to rescue the babies?
rie_3 says
16 years ago
(s_cozy) you are good. No cats here, but the hawks take a fair share.
rie_3 says
16 years ago
here's daddy. The babies are to skitish to catch.
16 years ago
haha :-) gunna plurk at the book store in a bit
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