4Friends 15Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
Englishman at-large in LA. Vintage car lover, Senior UNIX engineer for stickam.com, purveyor of excellent spelling and poor grammar on teh internets since 1990.
15 years ago
TGIO!!!!!! or TGIB!!!!!!
15 years ago
MSNBC playing the Hunt From Red October music???
15 years ago
marco the shoe-shine guy a.k.a. psychiatrist p.ping.fm/img/XckhnrFU/4...
15 years ago
15th century château, 16 hectares of ground, 17 ways to steal the €2.6m so u can has it *tr.im/ohgod
rickt shares
16 years ago
collapse still imminent, but not before I has pocky #famimagoodfersumthinafterall pikchur.com/n3r
rickt shares
16 years ago
this photo multiplies my hatred of musicals by 2924^6. #itsthehandsohgodnooo pikchur.com/n2t
rickt shares
16 years ago
this queen-worshipping nancy boy's macbook is now officially a monarchist pikchur.com/n1h
16 years ago
Any Brits out there know the name of the 808 State track that was the theme tune for the early Channel 4 show, Network Seven? *Need*!!
16 years ago
Tis just a kwik test 2 c / if pingfm hath forsaken me / it don't seem to post / but wot I h8 most / is that last nite I slept so heavily.
16 years ago
really fun 15 min video by mythbusters' adam savage about obsession, and the maltese falcon. tr.im/ocd_falcon