0Friends 1Fans
male Bekasi Timur, Indonesia
Hohoo.. I'm just an ordinary people.. I'm funy, fashiOnnable,creative, crazy, and eazy going (but dippent on the situation) hehe...
richardocoli ingin
15 years ago
duitttttt... hahahahhh...
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
hadohhh udah lama gk buka plurk gw..karma gw jadi nol lagiii... ashitt... :'-(
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
welll... exame.. exame... sh"t for exame..!!!! X-(
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
night all, have a nice dream.. :-)
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
MW BOBO AHHhh bentar agy... night all... :-))
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
ehmm.... that's m..o...n..e...y... so sexy... ahh.. (LOL)
richardocoli sedang
15 years ago
ehh gimana sihh ny cara maennya.. bingung gw... (LOL)
richardocoli is
15 years ago 2
heiii....somebody help me please..?!!
richardocoli is
15 years ago
ehmmm.. I'm new here...