0Friends 5Fans
female Ottawa, ON, Canada
rfairman says
13 years ago
Most of my life is digital and has been for a good long time, but I still keep a paper notebook in my purse for tasks, groceries etc. I...
rfairman says
13 years ago
#Icanhonestlysay that an Ice Cap saved my life this past week #timmies
rfairman says
13 years ago
Publish sync for Google+ & Facebook connected successfully!: imorse.net/publishsync
rfairman says
13 years ago
Dear #Greyhoundbus...take good care of my baby boy.
rfairman says
13 years ago
so Boehner's plan dies, but Reid's lives on.. with no tax revenue increases for richest 2% OR major corporations. #sigh #sadsadsigh
rfairman says
13 years ago
Want to see all your favourite front pages at once? Check out Google #Fastflip #socool
rfairman says
13 years ago
Play the music low And sway to the rhythm..
rfairman says
13 years ago
In the phases of loss, I have gone straight from #Anger to #Alanis.
rfairman says
13 years ago
#AmyWinehouse dead at 27...can't say I'm surprised but still sad.
rfairman says
13 years ago
why can't someone combine an air conditioner with the new technology that blows your hands off in the theatre washrooms? #melting