2Friends 3Fans
female Parma, Italy
16 years ago
I didn't win the $212 million jackpot. Good news tho, just got an email that my long lost relative in Sumatra died & left me $19 mil. Yay!
16 years ago
Just decided its Good News Friday in Chickville. I am not reading, clicking or listening 2 anything negative. Not participating 2day. Thx
16 years ago
Looks like I got my snow day - and all the shoveling that comes with it. Oh well makes up for not being able 2 get 2 the gym 2day!
16 years ago
Don't tell my kids but I'm kinda looking forward to a possible snow day too!
16 years ago
Getting ready to go into the office....what a novel idea! I think I remember the way there.... :-)
16 years ago
"My dream is of a place and time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth" A. Lincoln. Hope lives this morning.
16 years ago
You can stand by and watch history being made or you can be a part of it. VOTE!
16 years ago
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." Winston Churchill.......just sayin'
16 years ago
Iceland may declare butterflies. 1st country 2 do so in response to faultering ponies and hearts. Much better. Good Morning!
16 years ago
Morning! Another day of focusing on only the positive....I am positively wiped out from last night's positively rockin' show! :-)