12Friends 6Fans
female Seremban, Malaysia
Know me with your heart then you'll know..
fish 話す
12 years ago
Bla bla bla..last day of working life in 2011...
fish 話す
12 years ago
fish 話す
12 years ago
absolute power corrupts absolutely
fish 話す
13 years ago
fish 話す
13 years ago 2
No if No but just Do the god damn job. 咬紧牙关,捱过去。。。7个月。。+U!!!!!!!
fish 話す
13 years ago
很想偶尔放声大哭。。哭, 也是一种发泄的方式。。虽然我真的很少做那种事
fish 話す
13 years ago
1month colleagues are telling me they're leaving the job..WTF! I just started to have fun nia
fish 話す
13 years ago
Walao eh...just notice a very good friendis in a relationship..& I'VE NO IDEA!!so sat bai that I didn't notice that.BUT happy 4 that fella.
fish 話す
13 years ago
Somehow...Uncle J is correct in his way..Hmmm..hope he's still handsome as eveR!!
fish 話す
13 years ago
One fine day, you're waiting for KTM to come and u saw a girl with branded stuff from head to toe. Phewitt, nice!When train comes, OMFG!WTH?