81Friends 54Fans
male Philippines
Music is my life.
I enjoy writing in all forms.

\m/ I AM ME \m/
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
I want a girl that's g0ing t0 treat me .. fuck me .. and love me .. like i am the last man 0n the planet !!
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
Treat w0men with l0ve and respect .. because 0ne day y0u'll want y0ur daughter t0 be treated the same way !!
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
A g0al with0ut a plan .. is just a wish ..
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
I admit it .. i can't stay mad f0r t0o l0ng .. at s0me0ne wh0 makes me smile ..
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
What's really messed up is 0ur mind paint these perfect pictures 0f h0w things sh0uld be .. when in reality it's n0 where near it !!
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
We always feel that we are perfect and 0thers sh0uld be c0rrected .. it is like cleaning the mirr0r instead 0f cleaning 0ur face !!
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
S0metimes we are s0 wrapped up in 0urselves .. and f0rget wh0 we really are .. we l0se what is m0st imp0rtant .. #Ourselves !!
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
When in a relati0nship .. i am always faithful .. because i kn0w i w0uldn't want any0ne t0 be unfaithful with me !!
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
Relati0nships are like drugs .. they either kill y0u .. 0r give y0u the best feeling 0f y0ur life ..
rawrenr0ll says
13 years ago
S0metimes .. pe0ple c0me int0 0ur life .. just t0 teach us h0w t0 let g0 ..