29Friends 3Fans
United States
mario at

i babble about my special interests, my fanfics, my who knows what. good luck out there! good luck!
3 days ago 14
dawntrail FINISHED
1 weeks ago 6
i know this is a texture error but honestly i wish i could keep it. anna having scars around her scales (some fell off or smth) is jsut fun https://images.plurk.com/7FfVqlSvb08zpHcXJuWGsK.png
2 weeks ago 10
have to shut cat willow out of the bedroom while new cat sandy recovers from vet visit and willow can be SOOOOOOOO pathetic with a closed door between me and her
2 weeks ago 8
waugh it is so hard to keep up with plurk if i forget to touch it for even. a day. lmao
1 months ago 13
oh there was PRIDE meme going around [showing up several days late to plurk like usual] well i'm: agender, aromantic, NOT asexual, - i guess i'm bi?? nuance incoming
1 months ago 1
don't wanna go to work wanna stay home and chill : (
1 months ago 4
honsetly i think "i have photographic memory. but i don't get to choose what for" is the funniest way to have photographic memory
1 months ago 8
paper mario TTYD remake content warning: i forgot how overt the beldam being mean to vivian stuff is but i ALSO redacted the physical abuse implied thing from my memory. guh.
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
well i used all my writing spoons scribbling down ywkon plotting instead of doing rp tags, but i guess thats ok
1 months ago 1
would like to to stop bieng ... in pain, (<- knows i just have to wait for my shoulder to heal)