Ran / TokiMun
0Friends 0Fans
female Buffalo Grove, IL, United States
Likes anime/manga, death metal, video games, writing, piano, tattoos and piercings, comics. Dislikes bigotry and men (but only in the Biblical sense).
Ran / TokiMun has
14 years ago
just learned that the newest episode of Metalocalypse will have a Toki plot or subplot. I AM SO EXCITED. I AM SO READY FOR THIS.
Ran / TokiMun
14 years ago
just saw the SDCC preview for season III of Metalocalypse. Holy...oh my God...RAPTURE. (woot)
Ran / TokiMun thinks
14 years ago
that was relatively painless.
Ran / TokiMun likes
14 years ago
that her mom is all cool with talking about adult stuff, but jeez, Mom. There's a limit.
Ran / TokiMun is
14 years ago 1
in a world of pain. Hnnnnnnnfffffgh