9Friends 1Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hello there! (wave)
I'm Atikah! 14 y/o this year PMR last victim Proud SBS-ians :-D I randomly post anything that i feel here. :-D
I don't give a damn, so don't curse my territory here. Thank you (gyay)
8 years ago
eh serious ah i am seriously not looking forward to handle these bullshit stuff sampai graduate ergh
8 years ago
kau simply defend dgn bagitau kau tak suka minta tolong org n blablabla... eh bitch kau ingat kau sorang je ke yg ada pendirian yg orang kena respect/faham?!!!
8 years ago
on top of that, you effing bitch memang tak apprieciate langsung yg aku tolong cari teksi free ergh i should have known better
8 years ago
dahlah ada hutang dengan aku, dengan muka takde langsung rasa bersalahnya gi TAMBAH lagi hutang tu wtffff
8 years ago
eh memang korang takde rasa malu langsung bila nak hutang dengan orang?
8 years ago @Edit 8 years ago
ergh dang it why in the world i have to face these shits two weeks eARLIERRR??!!!
8 years ago
plus you did not even bother to say thanks to me in whatsapp. nvm, i'll give ya 2nd chance in train later zzz
8 years ago
da heck bitch
8 years ago
just becase i reply quite late to your messages????
8 years ago
wow i helped us to get free ride back to utp and you are angry with me ???