22Friends 35Fans
female Melbourne, FL, United States
om nom nom. <333
stalk me on twitter too
'cept that's more where i complain. :-P
15 years ago
he's making me make the first move. >P
christinaaaa is
15 years ago 2
so frikkin hungry. i haven't had anything to eat all day.
christinaaaa says
15 years ago
i did nothing wrong. (tears)
christinaaaa wonders
15 years ago
why you keep asking such personal questions. i feel like you're stalking me. (unsure)
christinaaaa is
15 years ago
scared of what your question is, because i'm afraid the answer is not what you want to hear.
christinaaaa feels
15 years ago
like the days just keep dragging on. :[
christinaaaa has
15 years ago
a big brother on the other side of the world. :]
christinaaaa asks
15 years ago
must we bring this up? :\
christinaaaa loves
15 years ago
how he has the worst grammar ever. :-D lol.
christinaaaa is
15 years ago
done with basically all my homewok except for what's due tomorrow. haha, ughh.