ღ rachel :]
10Friends 6Fans
female Singapore
ღ rachel :] is
15 years ago 1
emo-ing right now . cheh .
ღ rachel :] says
15 years ago 1
tio fever le DD; 38.6 leyys >.>
ღ rachel :] says
15 years ago 8
okay ; confirmed . that guy is toot .
ღ rachel :] wonders
15 years ago 3
why mrs poh likes to wear the same clothes almost everyday ?
ღ rachel :] says
15 years ago
that guy is a fcuking kpk laas .
ღ rachel :] is
15 years ago 4
very scared -.- ><
ღ rachel :] is
15 years ago 49
being interviewed -.-
ღ rachel :] is
15 years ago 7
feeling damn paisehhh know laas :X goshhh .
ღ rachel :] is
15 years ago 18
finally feeling better ;D
ღ rachel :] asks
15 years ago
anyone knows who is Mervyn mah ?