32Friends 16Fans
female Oakland, CA, United States
rabbitroodle has
7 years ago 1
been missing plurk but refuse to put it on my phone (until I saw Teeg's emojis). Our trip with the Airstream (other than the door lock issue first day) has been magical.
rabbitroodle is
7 years ago
so excited! Our road trip starts in an hour!
rabbitroodle is
7 years ago 3
rabbitroodle likes
7 years ago
that the winds and rains have calmed the "F" down. Crazy rains.
rabbitroodle is
7 years ago
more like than this
rabbitroodle is
7 years ago 1
really getting tired of the rain. There I said it.
rabbitroodle loves
7 years ago
that we got to sleep in today. After the last few nights of barely any sleep, it felt good to stay in bed till almost 9:00.
rabbitroodle hopes
7 years ago
No big wind and rain storm tonight. kaydub and I need to sleep well.
rabbitroodle likes
7 years ago 1
that we have solar and a battery pack to store the power and a generator....cuz rest of the 'hood is out!
rabbitroodle likes
7 years ago 2
the gentle sound of rain on the roof and skylight. It's been doing it all day. Will be nice to sleep to tonight.