2Friends 1Fans
female Manila, Philippines
qhimy wonders
15 years ago
why time runs so fast? :-o
qhimy feels
15 years ago
so low. i wish to change.
15 years ago
when all hopes has gone, i came to chase my rainbow. when dreams fade, i came to knock at your door, but you were gone, i had to wake.
15 years ago
qhimy wishes
15 years ago
to be euphoric.
qhimy is
15 years ago
tired of pretending.
qhimy was
15 years ago
super duper happy with friends last night :-))
qhimy is
15 years ago
sleepy. havent slept all night! waaah :-&
qhimy says
15 years ago
" what i do know, is im happy with what i have now:-)
qhimy was
15 years ago
born to be happy and im living it:-)